Monday, March 30, 2009


That is right; one of the most popular drama in Taiwan and all of Asia.
Staring Hebe Tian and the heart throb Mike He!
The series was alright; not enough basketball though but too much romance in the storyline.
Other then that, I really love the clothing and prop used in the series.
Like Yi Sheng Xue 'Hebe' first and Give me 5min date!
* Yi Sheng Xue 'First Date' *
The ORIGINAL ONE is all beaded with a black flower or bow.
The I found is half beaded and half lace, then I went through the 'cheap everything a $1 basket' and found a flower to go with it which was as total of $19
Plus there was a similar one at DIVA with a detatchable flower for $32 either in white or black;; other then that it was way to expensive!
Now here is my final product!
* Yi Sheng Xue 'Give me 5min' Date *
The ORIGNAL ONE is white glossy paintant with one strap.
The one I have has two straps; from Monkfish which was RPP $60 in black; white; red and grey; at first the red and black was on sale for $50, but I needed the white ones! To my luck it was on sale 2 weeks later it was for $40!
Plus I found the REAL REPLICA on ebay from LEM STUDIO going at $60 + shipping and handling which I am not sure how much it really is.
But it is better then nothing
Here it is!
Enjoy la ~

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Deep Cuts

Oh yes, I am back! 2 weeks ago was very bumpy for me, my boyfriend of nearly 2 years wanted to end the relationship and I tried to ask if there was a chance to save it; but he said no, so I agreed with him. You can not hold onto something that is not there.
Other then that, the next day, I joined the gym at the Adelaide Aquatic Center, full membership that includes the gym facilities, pools, spa, sauna and steam room! I had a health care card so it was only $607, if not I would be paying at least $800 to $900 for it, lucky me!
Plus I had a hair cut too; it was done by my lovely aunty! *love her to bits*
The Picture of the Hair I Want:
Before the Hair was Cut:
After the Hair was Cut:
Totally way off with the length, but I still like it! Plus I got some Gatsby Air Rise to puff it up! No, if your asking, I do not have make up on; my eyelashes are naturally dark.
Enjoy la ~

Monday, March 23, 2009

Just a Virgin

Oh yes, my first blog! Well its not really my first blog, since I've blogged on Xanga before; however, blogger seems to be more popular these days. So I decided to give it a try!

Hip - Hip - Horayy!

I know, its proberly another hopeless blog; but I promise it would be bigger and better then the ones I had, hopefully.

This would be filled with random rants of my bad day or useless things I've brought with my sisters money and racking up a massive debt! Muahahaha!

Now I, yakO, at the time of 1:33am on the 23rd of March 2009, I officially opened 'yakO's wonderful world blog'

I promise I'll be back!

Enjoy la ~